Грандж в фотошопе

  • 27 февраля 2010
  • 0
  • 12262

Итак, начнём. Создадим файл размером 1280?1024px/72dpi и с помощью инстрмента Paint Bucket Tool (G) зальём слой чёрным.

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Я добавил паттерн:

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Загрузите изображение в Photoshop и нажмите Edit>Define Pattern
Далее создадим новый слой и применим к нему наш паттерн:
Blending Options>Pattern Overlay (выберете текстуру)

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Сделайте изображение темнее с помощью Rectangle Tool (U).

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Добавим стиля к слою. (Blending Options).Fill 0%

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Далее вставим фотографию. Я нашёл своё в интернете.

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Вставьте его в документ.

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Добавим стиля к слою. (Blending Options)

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Скачайте кисти для Adobe Photoshop. Создайте новый слой и используйте кисть, которую вы только что загрузили.
Цвет белый и Opacity 50%.

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Нарисуйте что-то подобное.

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Добавьте стиля к слою.
Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

На следущем слое выбирете кисть Japanese_Foliage.

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Добавьте стиля.

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Создайте новый слой и кистью Foliage_VOL_2_brushes_set_by_solenero73 нарисуйте то, что показано ниже поверх слоя с девушкой.

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Создайте новый слой и кистью Foliage_VOL_2_brushes_set_by_solenero73 нарисуйте как показано ниже. Цвет кисти #666666.

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Выберете кисть из Foliage_VOL_2_brushes_set_by_solenero73.

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

The brush has white color:

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Нажмите на мышь на панеле кистей и выберете  Create new fill or adjustment layer > Black&White

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

На следщем слое немного адаптируем орнамент под фон. Кисть: Opacity  30%.

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

Create grungy photo effect using a variety of Photoshop brushes and image adjustments

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